How one breakfast can influence many lives

Did you notice the beautiful 37 metre schooner docked at Queens Wharf, Newcastle, for several months over 2018-2019? The s/v Ruach belongs to a local Christian charity, YWAM Ships Newcastle (YSN), and is an  Ambassador  for  the  City  of  Newcastle.  After this extensive season of maintenance and preparation, the vessel is on her way back to Papua New Guinea (PNG) for her second deployment.

Elsa Jeanprêtre July 26, 2019
How one breakfast can influence many lives  Image

YSN operates the Ruach within the maritime Province of Milne Bay, PNG, to deliver medical and training services to isolated and disadvantaged island communities. Indeed, PNG, though Australia’s closest neighbor, records the lowest health status in the Pacific Region and the current infrastructure and terrain prove difficult to navigate as the PNG government reaches their citizens with healthcare.

Through the use of their medical ship, YSN is ready to do what they can to help meet this challenge. Just a month ago, they signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Milne Bay Provincial Health Authority (MBPHA) which will allow their teams to work in close partnership upon the return in PNG of the s/v Ruach.

“As a born and bred Novacastrian I was profoundly moved at the Civic Reception for the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding. To see my city, represented by our Lord Mayor, partnering so enthusiastically and unreservedly with us in this great endeavour, was an exhilarating experience,” said YWAM Ships Newcastle Director, Mike Thorpe.

Sunrise by the Sea, Breakfast for the land of the Unexpected

To celebrate this partnership and support the medical and training work of YWAM Ships Newcastle, the second Sunrise by the Sea awareness and fundraising Breakfast will be hosted on Friday, August 30, at Merewether Surfhouse.

With your help, YSN can make an incredible impact on the nation of PNG through the s/v Ruach, and rise to the challenge that lies ahead. Your contribution and influence can influence the lives of many.

Financial contributions will be used for medical outreaches on this second deployment season of the s/v Ruach, starting September 2019 (TBC).

Book a ticket for the breakfast:

Contact Elsa Jeanpretre or Kimberley Carribine at


YWAM  Ships  Newcastle  Limited  is  registered  as  an  Australian  Charity  and  Not-for-profit organisation (PBI): donations of $2 and more are tax-deductible (ticket for breakfast not included).

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