Leadership for Mission an empowering experience

Sophie Cox, teacher at All Saints College, St Peter’s Campus, Maitland will shortly complete a course she describes as “an empowering experience”.

Brooke Robinson July 24, 2019
Leadership for Mission an empowering experience  Image

The Leadership for Mission course is a joint initiative of the Council for Australian Catholic Women, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Catholic Mission and the Australian Catholic University. It is designed by and for women who are inspired by the Gospel vision of justice, freedom and the dignity of the human person.

“It has connected me with an incredible group of supportive women, who have encouraged me to consider issues of women’s leadership from a range of different angles and viewpoints,” Ms Cox said. “As a faith formation program, Leadership for Mission has allowed me to feel more connected to my faith and has made me realise the important role I am playing as one woman in the Church.”

Framed by an engagement with scripture, theology, spirituality and leadership, this program encourages participants to reflect on their faith in the context of the challenges and opportunities of our contemporary world. In the company of other women, this program invites participants to explore how and in what ways their personal mission and vocation can contribute to a vision of leadership for the church and society, which promotes equity, equality, and reconciliation.

It is a two-year, part-time program structured across four residential sessions and supported through Australian Catholic University's online learning management system. Upon completion, all participants are awarded the Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies by the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy.

“The academic component of the program has been equally challenging and inspiring and has really enabled me to connect with my faith in an intellectual way that has me really excited about the possibilities for my future with the church. It is an absolutely life-changing, joy-filled, empowering program and I am so thankful to have been a part of it,” Ms Cox said.

Applications are now open for the next course.

This program is open to Catholic women aged between 25-35 with diverse personal and professional experiences from across Australia. As this is a graduate program you will need to have successfully completed an undergraduate degree in advance.

Applications close October 14, 2019. See

For more information, contact Andrea Dean or 0487 388 873.

Photo: Participants Leah Wilson of St Catherine’s Catholic College, Singleton and Sophie Cox of St Peter’s Campus, All Saints College, Maitland at the beginning of their course. Read their interview with Aurora.

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