Message from Mums' Cottage: February 2019

Whatever you dream your future is, it cannot be equal to His dream for you. All your dreams so wild, so extravagant, are nothing as romantic or as splendid as god's design for you. Lay your own aside, leave yourself in his divine hands, listen to His voice with humility, earnestness and courage. Father Bede Jarret OP

Sr Helen Anne February 06, 2019
Message from Mums' Cottage: February 2019 Image

We have decided to change our newsletters from seasonal, to by the school term. Often the end of the season is a busy time, where as the end of term is quieter. This brief update will replace the Summer newsletter.

At the onset of our seventh year at Mums’ Cottage, I am pausing to give thanks for all the touches of the Lord, particularly in 2018, given to us through the wonderful people, Volunteers, Sponsors Church leaders and members, local businesses, our Mothers and their children.  All have allowed their light to shine in Mums’ Cottage and radiate out to the community.

To note but a few of the events that have inspired us: 

Christmas celebrations: Many families were able to enjoy a joyous family gathering this year, due to the generous hampers and toys provided by the Exodus Foundation, the Baptist Church, The Charlestown Uniting Church, The Country Women’s Association, The Rotary Club of Wallsend/ Maryland, The Place Charlestown, Share the Dignity, and the nearby Northville Church. For the first time we were able to assist many families from a local high school, as well as several who saw our Facebook details and came for support.

The moving Pageant at the Carols at the Cottage was indeed the highlight of our Christmas festivities thanks to Vicky Faith’s organisation. We all enjoyed “Jesus” rearranging the straw in the crib during the rendition of Mary's Boy Child!  A large crowd gathered to highlight the “reason for the season”, and at times the atmosphere was quietly reflective.

A major change since the cottage closed for Christmas is the painting and decorating of the main building - a mammoth undertaking. Thanks to a Community Building Partnerships grant from the State Government, the whole complex has been refreshed and rearranged. My additional thanks go out to Deanne, our skilled Office Administrator, her sister Geraldine, and Karenne, our gracious Cottage Hostess for putting everything back in its place.

Another item of very welcome news is that we received $5000 from Telstra to support Mums’ Cottage in assisting others in the local community. Very much appreciated.

As well as giving thanks for the many graces, blessing and challenges of 2018, we have some plans on the drawing board for 2019. One is to have an honour board in the corner near the kitchen, where we can display names of our sponsors and supporters.  An update later. 

One of the new courses coming up this year is Cool Connections for pre-teens/ teenagers. This is a pilot program facilitated by Mel, which will assist fractured and challenged families in the local area.

We welcomed: a new Anglican Priest Colin Walters and his wife to Cameron Park Parish during the holidays. They are both very keen to spiritually and practically be involved in the ministry of Mums’ Cottage.

We are looking forward to journeying into another deeply powerful year, knowing that we are guided by the spirit and Mary Mackillop as we aim to assist the guests, they send to us each day in whatever way we can.  Come and visit Mums’ Cottage, and remember, we are always looking for new volunteers.

Blessings of peace and contentment.

Read more about Mum's Cottage.