Nominations open for Mary Magdalene Award 2019

The Council for Australian Catholic Women contact group in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle is seeking nominations for the Magdalene Award.

Jessica Ward October 03, 2018
Nominations open for Mary Magdalene Award 2019 Image

The winner will be announced as part of celebrations surrounding International Women’s Day 2019.

All those nominated will be recognised and the successful nominee will receive the award at the Magdalene Award Presentation at Cathedral House. The presentation will follow Mass which will be led by Bishop Bill Wright at the Sacred Heart Cathedral.

The award is seen as a public affirmation of a life lived in a way that mirrors and pays honour to the spirit of Mary Magdalene.

Last year’s recipient of the Magdalene Award, Claire McWilliam, said: “I don’t do the things I do to be recognised but it was an honour to receive this award in front of other inspiring women from the Diocese. With grace, compassion and a peaceful nature, we all have the abilities and opportunities to support each other and our church.”

Claire’s contributions span liturgy, participation in Australian Catholic youth festivals, Caritas, ministry to young people, Catholic Mission and more.

Who is St Mary Magdalene?

Mary Magdalene was the first to experience the Risen Christ and is the first Christian missionary, ‘the apostle to the apostles’. She represents courage, leadership, fidelity and strength.

How to make a nomination

Nominations can be made by any member of the diocesan community with permission of the nominee.

Each nominee will:

Women may be nominated in more than one year.

The nominator must clearly address the criteria within the nomination form. The nominee must sight and endorse the supporting information.

All nominations must be submitted by 30 November 2018.

For more information, download the Magdalene Award nomination and information pack.

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