Diocese's Plenary Council journey is underway

The Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle’s journey towards the Plenary Council is under way with a series of 15 meetings having been held in August and September.

Teresa Brierley September 12, 2018
Diocese's Plenary Council journey is underway Image

The Plenary Council, to be conducted in October 2020 by the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference, will be looking at the future of the Catholic Church in Australia as it seeks the answer to the question:

“What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?”

In the lead up to the Plenary Council, Catholics from around Australia are being invited to engage in an open and inclusive process of listening, dialogue and discernment about the future of the Catholic Church in Australia. Their responses to the this question will form the agenda not only for the Plenary Council but also for our own Diocesan Synod.

In this video, Teresa provides more detail about the Plenary Council, the Diocesan Synod and Synodality.

More information can be found here

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