Thank you for supporting others

As the start of spring rapidly approaches, we would like to thank everyone who has generously donated to CatholicCare Hunter Manning’s 2021 August Appeal.

Sarah James August 31, 2021

We are delighted to share that we have raised more than $6,500!

These donations will go directly towards our Community Kitchens, Food Programs and Refugee Hub, where we can help those who need it most.

Team Leader of CatholicCare’s Refugee Hub, Mirja Colding-Moran, said these donations will be vital in helping her team support families from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds who are doing it tough.

“At the moment, we are supporting over 20 Afghan families who are distraught over the situation for family members stuck in the dangerous and volatile situation in Kabul,” she said.

“We are also supporting a growing number of families who have their jobs or had their hours significantly reduced as a result of the COVID lockdown.”

“With the help of the donations, we can provide grocery hampers and other emergency relief, particularly to those who are not eligible for government payments. We can also assist refugee students who are currently learning from home and whose parents don’t yet speak English well enough to support them, to ensure that they don’t fall behind in their studies.”

Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, CatholicCare’s Food Programs and Community Kitchens are also doing their part to help the local community. Your generous donations mean CatholicCare can continue to support over 400 families in the Hunter region through meal deliveries and the weekly BBQ at Hamilton South Community Hall. On the Mid North Coast, funds raised will support our Community Kitchens at Forster and Taree to continue serving takeaway hot meals to growing numbers each day.

If you’re interested in helping people in your community, it’s not too late to make a donation to our August Appeal. If ten people consider giving just $40 each before we close our appeal tonight, we can keep adding to the 44,000 meals we've already served to people across the Hunter-Manning areas.

Can you help? Donate here.

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