CatholicCare Supported Accommodation Vegetable Garden Project

Diocesan Pastoral Placement Program participant, Shane Hyland, assisted people supported by CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning and staff with a vegetable garden project at a supported accommodation house in Newcastle last week.

Geri Williams March 22, 2016

Old garden beds and weeds were stripped back, with new soil added and vegetables, including tomatoes and cucumbers, planted. Everyone at the house pitched in and enjoyed a barbecue afterwards. “We all had a great time and it was a collaborative effort. It was really nice,” said Shane.

Shane also spent three days assisting with administration at CatholicCare head office in Mayfield and has enjoyed the time he spent learning about mission and outreach in the diocese.

The Pastoral Placement Program provides an opportunity for young people in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle to experience 10 months work placement in ministries from across the diocese, including CatholicCare, chaplaincy and Catholic schools.

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CatholicCare Supported Accommodation Vegetable Garden Project Image 4.