Youth invited to Light to the Nations Easter pilgrimage

Light to the Nations invites Catholic youth from around Australia and other countries throughout the Pacific to participate in its Easter pilgrimage.

Alexander Foster February 14, 2019
Youth invited to Light to the Nations Easter pilgrimage  Image

The festival runs from 18-21 April (Holy Thursday through to Easter Sunday) and promises to be “a truly powerful renewal experience,” held in the beautiful bushland setting of Chevalier College, Bowral.

As part of the pilgrimage, young people will camp out under the open skies and join in a celebration of the Easter liturgies through prayer, worship, drama, music, and personal sharing.

Throughout the weekend there will be a number of Easter liturgies, with time in between for participants to meet and share meals with one another.

Light to the Nations describes the experience as “a different kind of pilgrimage” and “a journey into the heart of Christianity, the most sacred mystery we have – the Easter Triduum.”

“The Light to the Nations Easter pilgrimages run by the Disciples of Jesus Community are truly amazing experiences to be a part of,” one attendant said of the event. “They engage and uplift people of all ages to ‘make disciples of all nations.’ They’ve certainly helped me to know, worship and love God better.”

Registration begins at 3PM on Holy Thursday and the event will close with lunch on Easter Sunday at 1PM.

Light to the Nations is for young people and the young at heart. Families are also welcome, with a ‘LTTN Junior’ program available for toddlers.

To register, head to Light to the Nations’ website or email for more information.

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