Sacred@Seven is under new management

A room filled with young people is not usually silent. However, at Sacred@Seven (S@S), this is what sets it apart. Young people are sitting or kneeling; eyes closed in reflection and prayer. Soft music fills the church, and the centre point is a monstrance holding the most precious thing to a Catholic: The Blessed Sacrament.    

Brooke Robinson April 17, 2019
Sacred@Seven is under new management Image

S@S is an initiative of the Diocesan Council for Ministry with Young People (DCMYP), held monthly, then quarterly since it began in 2012. The event attracts young people for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and includes music, a Gospel reading and discussion. It is organised by young people, for young people- as an opportunity to worship together.

Newest member of the DCMYP Jessica Laczkowski, has taken on the organisation of the event and has some exciting plans for the future. Jessica, 23, is a teacher at St Joseph’s Lochinvar and St Benedict’s Edgeworth, and has been involved in youth ministry for four years. 

I recently met with Jessica and asked her some questions about her inspiration and plans for S@S this year.

What inspired you to take on organising Sacred@Seven?

The first youth event I went to in the diocese was Sacred@Seven. I was attending church regularly then someone recommended I go along, and I am so glad that I did! My attendance marks the start of my involvement in youth ministry. I remember being warmly welcomed by everyone.

The experience of adoration was amazing and something that I had not experienced prior. It is that fond memory I have of my first S@S that made me interested in organising the event to provide these experiences of community and being in the presence of God.

What do you like about the event?

I like the uniqueness of the event, particularly when compared to others that are being held across the diocese. It is an event where we can just take a break from the busy lives that we live. It provides an opportunity to be still and present, in the presence of God. To pray, to reflect and to worship in community with others. Additionally, we are lucky enough to have some amazing musicians from across our diocese who provide beautiful music to accompany our worship. It provides the perfect opportunity for people to connect with and grow in their faith. 

Do you have plans to change the format of Sacred@Seven?

Currently we are running S@S quarterly (once a term). In late 2019/early 2020, S@S will be held every month.  Along with adoration, there will also be other forms of prayer offered every second month e.g. taize, lectio divina, labyrinth, etc.

When is the next Sacred@Seven?

Be sure to join us for our next Sacred@Seven on Wednesday 8 May at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Adoration will start at 7:00pm, followed by dinner in the diocesan offices. All are welcome! 

Check out the Facebook event.



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