Pints with a Purpose – The radical nun living a life on purpose

For September’s Pints with a Purpose we were blessed to welcome Sr Melissa Dwyer, a Canossian Daughter of Charity currently based in Brisbane ministering with St Vincent de Paul and the Vocations Brisbane team.

Sam Hill September 08, 2017
Pints with a Purpose – The radical nun living a life on purpose Image

Sr Mel inspired those gathered through the sharing of stories. She shared about her surprising journey towards becoming a religious sister, her time spent in Malawi and her continued call to mission to God’s people in her daily life. Sr Mel shared in particular stories of her time as a principal of an all-girls boarding school in Malawi for 7 years. She shared of the times that particular students touched her heart, moments of devastation and loss within the school community and how God gave her the strength to pull her school of 650 through that time. She shared of times of terror where her life and the life of her sisters had been put at risk during a robbery of the school and again how God’s grace interceded during that time. Sr Mel’s love for Africa and her ministry was evident during her passionate presentation and left us all thinking about how we as individuals can continue to live out our call, how we, a single drop in the ocean can makes waves and finished with this ‘call to action’ quote from Pope JP II “Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch”.

Sr Mel often states “I am physically here but my heart will forever be in Africa” and hopes to return to ministry in Malawi when her time as part of the leadership team of her congregation comes to an end.

Next month Pints with a Purpose will gather at the Northern Star Hotel, Beaumont Street Hamilton to listen to Mike Hazelton present on Mental Health. Join us from 6:30pm for dinner with the talk commencing at 7:30pm on Monday 9 October.

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