As the hymn ‘Sign me Up’ echoed through the Sacred Heart Cathedral nine catechumens declared their readiness to be fully initiated this Easter through the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and eucharist.    

Louise Gannon rsj March 15, 2022
LITURGY MATTERS: Sign me up Image

It is always a privilege to be part of the Rite of Election and to witness the joy of the catechumens as they become the Elect. Each person is presented by their parish leader, their faith journey is affirmed by their Godparents and the whole Assembly of the Church, and then in the presence of the gathered Church, they offer their names for enrolment in the Order of the Elect. What a courageous thing to do. This is a liturgy filled with joy and hope, enthusiasm and peace.

In last week’s Liturgy Matters I wrote about being renewed by engaging in some good reading and shared reflection. However, that pales in comparison to the renewal I experience in celebrating the public declaration of faith made by the Elect. Witnessing others pledge their lives to Christ is a great call for me to engage in the opportunity Lent provides to dust off our own baptised life so that together we will shine brightly at Easter.

The pictures below capture something of the experience. Together let us pray for our Elect as they journey these last weeks of Lent towards baptism at the Easter Vigil.

You can view the full gallery of images here: 


Photos:  © 2021 Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. All rights reserved.

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