LITURGY MATTERS: A feast of information and opportunities for YOU!

Because there are so many things happening at the moment, today’s Liturgy Matters offers you a feast of opportunities and information which you might like to consider over a cup of coffee.  Explore! Read! Ponder! Act!

Louise Gannon rsj September 22, 2020
LITURGY MATTERS: A feast of information and opportunities for YOU! Image

Pastoral Guidance for the Celebration of the Communion Rite at Mass

Finally, the revision of this document is complete and the second edition is now available on the diocesan website. Click here. You might recall that in late 2019 the Diocesan Liturgy Council (DLC) hosted a series of regional ‘listening and dialogue’ sessions introducing the original document and listening to the community’s reflections, insights and questions. This Second Edition seeks to incorporate much of the wisdom we heard.

Pastoral Guidance for the Preparation and Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation

I’d like to remind you of the current invitation to participate in the review of this document.  For all information and details about the community engagement opportunities please read last week’s Liturgy Matters.  

Perpetual Day of Remembrance 2020 Review

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Church’s prayer response in any way. We have already received some encouraging and helpful feedback. Whether you left a light on in your home and prayed the associated prayer, participated in a school or Church agency or group, or joined the parish celebration of Perpetual Day of Remembrance Sunday we would appreciate your feedback. This is an invaluable source of wisdom as we continue to develop the Church’s prayer response. Please complete the anonymous online survey by Wednesday September 30.      

Surveying our COVID-19 liturgical experience

Currently the DLC is working with Miriam Pepper from National Church Life Survey to prepare a survey to be disseminated as widely as possible amongst the People of God in our diocese. We think it is critically important that we listen as broadly as possible to your liturgical experience, both during the suspension of public liturgy and its re-opening with all the COVID restrictions that involves. The other night, eight people participated in a focus group with Miriam. The aim of the group was to sharpen the questions we will use in the survey to ensure that it gathers up your wisdom in the best possible way. I sat in on the focus group and it was remarkable. I will continue to ponder all that I heard.

Some of you may already know about another survey that may interest you. It is a national survey run by a psychology student at Monash University who is seeking to ‘map Catholic worship responses to the pandemic’.  For more information and to complete the survey click here. It is open through to early October so act quickly. 

Free Public Lecture: Liturgy, Prayer, Pastoral Care and Pandemics

On Monday October 12, Australian Catholic University is hosting this free, online, public lecture given by Professor Julia Upton rsm from Fordham University. Click here for all details.

Gregorian Chant online course

If you are interested in participating in an online academic unit on Gregorian chant you will need to act quickly as it starts next week.  Please click here for information. This online access is only available because of COVID-19. If you are interested this is an opportunity not to be missed!

Anne Millard, Cathedral Director of Music, has done the course and highly recommends it. Once we have moved beyond our current restrictions on singing, Anne is looking to establish a Choral Chant Group. More information to come about that.

Flashes of Insight: Let’s Talk Liturgy

This has been a wonderful opportunity that emerged in response to the avalanche of liturgical reflection sparked by COVID-19. The whole series of short videos can be accessed on the diocesan website. They are engaging and challenge us to reflect more deeply on the way we celebrate liturgy together.

The whole point of the series was to produce resources that could extend the liturgical conversation throughout the community. The DLC is currently considering ways we can facilitate such conversations here in our local church. Be prepared for more information and opportunities to engage when the opportunity arises.

Something to read and something to watch

There is so much to read at the moment. It is a feast in itself.  Several people found this article by Paul Inwood on the Pray Tell blog interesting: All strange, but all must change.

I also recommend the Liturgy.Life website. It’s good to watch the resources that appear there. Last week they ran a free five-part video marathon on ‘The aim to be considered above all else: Full, Conscious and active participation.’ It was excellent. Each video is between 10-15 minutes.  Similar resources are available at Team RCIA.

How is that for a feast of information and opportunity? I hope you find something to interest you. Have a wonderful week: Exploring! Reading! Pondering! Acting!

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