LITURGY MATTERS: Confirmation Review Update

Our website data suggests there has been a lot of parish activity sparked by the Diocesan Liturgy Council’s invitation to participate in a formal review of the ‘Pastoral Guidance for the Preparation and Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation’. That’s wonderful.

Louise Gannon rsj September 29, 2020
LITURGY MATTERS: Confirmation Review Update Image

The invitation was extended in Liturgy Matters two weeks ago. Information has also gone to all parishes and schools and to those directly involved in the preparation of the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation in their parish. 

In the initial flyer we invited participation in the review via three scheduled online ZOOM meetings.

We also provided an option for communities to join together for a physical gathering. Since then two parishes have generously offered to host physical gatherings:

The point of the DLC facilitated gatherings whether on Zoom or in person is twofold:

For the physical gatherings to proceed we need registrations from a variety of parishes. Parishes will have engaged already in their own review of the Pastoral Guidance documentation and resources for Confirmation. It is time now to gather together. Thank you to Raymond Terrace and Singleton for providing a space for those who would prefer to gather physically. 

A new flyer with all additional information and registration processes for both ZOOM and physical gatherings is found here

Registration for all ZOOM gatherings and the physical gathering at Raymond Terrace close this Friday October 2. Registrations for the Singleton gathering close on Friday November 6.

In preparation we continue to pray …

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful
and enkindle in them the fire of your love

Pentecost Sunday Gospel acclamation.

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