FAITH MATTERS: Story is front and centre

Story is always front and centre of our human existence.

Rosemary McAllister February 06, 2024
FAITH MATTERS: Story is front and centre Image

How many of us spend a holiday period engrossed in a good book which take us on a journey of encounters, relationships, adventures and experiences. Over the summer I engaged in multiple books and to my surprise I discovered elements which linked with each other and elements I could connect to my own story. This drove me to ponder that we all are not too dissimilar, there is a common thread that runs through each of us, we are all connected in some way, shape or form. But as this thread is not identically the same for everyone, we can learn from other’s life and experiences.

I have been intrigued by the concept of a Human Library for some time now. Founded in Denmark in 2000, this project is now active in 80 countries, including Australia. The original event which launched this idea was open eight hours a day for four days straight at the Roskilde Festival and featured over fifty different titles. The broad selection of books (which are people) provided readers with ample choice to challenge their stereotypes. More than a thousand readers took advantage leaving books, librarians, organisers and readers stunned at the impact of the Human Library. While most Human Library events are not normally of this size, many large companies across the world collaborate with this organisation to create safe spaces for open conversation. The goal being to get to know the contents of the book and to break down the barriers of reading the book by its cover. At local levels many libraries and schools have utilized this concept to listen and learn about an individual’s experience of the world, their journey and their story. We might consider what this would look like if our Church, and local parish communities adopted this idea.

We are excited to invite Library Patrons to the Diocesan Library located within the Diocesan Resource Centre, 12 Tudor St (corner of Tudor and Parry St). While the space is yet to be officially opened, patrons will be able to physically access and borrow resources from Friday, 26 February.

We have a number of formation opportunities occurring in the space before 26 February which can be accessed here as well as opportunities which will be ongoing each month.

On the first Friday of each month commencing the 1 March there is an opportunity for parents and children to join us in Storytime from 10.15am - 11.00am. Between 1.00pm-2.30pm patrons are invited to come together for faith formation. Each month faith formation will focus on a different theme, the emphasis in March is on Lent. In addition, on the last Friday of the month from 10.00am- 12.00pm patrons are invited to a Human Library experience where we listen and learn from other’s life and encounters. If you would like to be involved in the Human Library experience as either a book or reader, please express an interest here.

Library Opening Hours: Monday - 10am- 6pm, Friday - 10am-6pm, Saturday- 10am-2pm

If you would like to become a volunteer at the library, please complete this form.

We will also be offering a Lenten Reflection gathering commencing the first Friday of Lent, 23 February from 9am-10am. Links: Registration or access the Lenten Reflection.

We understand the geographical distance within the diocese and will be reaching out to parishes to provide a travelling library service, bringing resources, formation and experiences to your local community.

As we enter a new year let us take the time to listen and learn from one another. Let us treat each other with the dignity and respect Jesus demonstrated during his earthly reign.

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