FAITH MATTERS: Sharing the Good News with children

There are almost 300 primary schools in our diocese, and more than 200 of those are public schools. Under the Education Act of 1990, government schools are expected to allow time for scripture to be taught in classrooms. Unfortunately, there are many children who miss out because the schools simply cannot man the classes.

Nicki Graham September 26, 2023
FAITH MATTERS: Sharing the Good News with children Image

This week I attended a Special Religious Education training session with some teachers who work in public schools across the region. It was a blessing to hear them speak so fondly about the children they teach and the work that they do.

“My faith is so important to me,” said Maria Armitage, “that I just want to share it with everybody.”

Special Religious Education provides children with a small but vital part of a child’s faith journey. Our mission is to be Good News to the students we encounter in government schools.  John Pelletier, who teaches in the Gloucester region, understands the impact that his work has on the students:

“Letting young people know just how good God is and how great it is to have God in your life is vital, knowing that God will help you and that it will make a difference.”

As a people of God who are called to serve, these generous SRE teachers volunteer their time to promote the Kingdom of God on earth by providing meaningful, enriching lessons from an approved curriculum. They recognise that there is a heightened importance now more than ever, to deliver scripture lessons, as many children are lacking in spiritual nourishment:

‘It is so important in this day and age,” says Al Malsem, “that we can reach children with the message of Christ. It’s quickly being phased out of the general society. We need that message even more to be planted out there. If we can reach children at this age, it plants the seed for the future.”

Susan Huurdeman enlightened us with the joy that teaching scripture brings to her. She shared a letter written to her from the grandparents of a student she teaches:

“There is always some concern when kids go to public schools that their Religious Education will suffer. Certainly, that is not the case, all due to your wonderful dedication to teaching. They have gained a love and interest in their religion at your hands.”

In response to a special invitation to follow Jesus and share the joy of the Gospel, you might like to consider becoming a teacher of Special Religious Education. All you need to do is volunteer a half an hour per week of your time. All training, support and resources are supplied.

Please, join us in sharing the Good News with children.

For more information and registration contact Pastoral Ministries.


Manager Formation and Education

Rose McAllister P: 49791346 M: 0414962922


Officer Formation and Education

Nicki Graham M: 0417773444

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