The cow tripped over the moon

St Nicholas Newcastle West participated in National Simultaneous Storytime.

Toni Warburton May 26, 2017
The cow tripped over the moon Image

National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual campaign that aims to encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books.

This year’s book was The Cow Tripped Over the Moon, written by Tony Wilson and illustrated by Laura Wood. This was a fun, rhyming tale of the many attempts it took for Cow to actually jump over the moon. (Eight, just in case you missed something, with a side trip over the sun).

All the children participated in Simultaneous Storytime. In the Preschool room we were able to download a copy of the book and use our interactive smart board to read the story to the children. The Nursery room children also participated.

Reading together with children not only promotes the value of reading and literacy and the value of books but also helps your child become familiar with sounds, words, language, igniting their imagination and sparking their curiosity.

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