Harmony Day: Everyone belongs

On Tuesday, the children of St Nicholas celebrated Harmony Day. The theme this year was ‘Everyone belongs’.

Toni Warburton March 27, 2017
Harmony Day: Everyone belongs Image

Our centre turned into a flurry of orange as children and staff wore the colour of harmony loudly and proudly! Each group displayed its Harmony Day posters and balloons which were visible upon entering each room. We invited our parents to join the celebration by writing a ‘hope and dream’ for their child on a piece of ribbon. Each room then had its own idea to turn it into something beautiful to display. Throughout the day, educators and children were involved in discussions about ‘What is Harmony?’ and read stories about peace and belonging. We also used this opportunity to talk about the importance of our families and ‘what makes a good friend?’ A great day was had by all!

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