Growing kindness

The Learning Lions have begun this year focusing on our social and emotional wellbeing.

Madeline Ingold February 07, 2017
Growing kindness Image

This has led us to read books and watch short videos highlighting kindness – what kindness means, how to be kind and how kindness makes us feel.

Educators in the Learning Lions Room believe that kindness is one of the greatest gifts we possess. Children have a natural disposition for kindness and compassion and each day have the capacity to demonstrate acts of kindness from playing co-operatively with friends and sharing toys to comforting friends when they are sad.

This year we will focus on growing kindness in the Lions by highlighting and documenting individual acts of kindness and adding these to our ‘kindness vine’ display in our room. We are hoping as the year progresses to spread our random acts of kindness throughout our centre and out into the community!

As we have already begun to fill our leaves, we know that our Kindness Vine will be overflowing with so many wonderful acts by the end of the year!

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