DOOHAN DISCOURSE: 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year A

The homily for the 3rd Sunday of Easter (Year A) as preached by Bishop Bill during the live-streamed 9.30 am Mass from Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hamilton.

Fr Andrew Doohan April 27, 2020
DOOHAN DISCOURSE: 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year A Image

The readings proclaimed were Acts 2:14, 22-33; 1 Peter 1:17-21; Luke 24:13-35.

“On the road to Emmaus, Jesus turns our focus from our own hopes and wants – from being followers – to truly knowing the Risen Christ and becoming truly joyful disciples of the One who has become known to us. The call of the Gospel is not primarily about us, but about Christ and about making him known because we have first come to know him.”

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