How to live good news in our time?

As a Church we are certainly on the cusp of change, propelled by the leadership of Pope Francis, as we still come to grips with living the call of the Second Vatican Council.

Vivien Williams May 29, 2017
How to live good news in our time? Image

Dr James McEvoy, priest of the Archdiocese of Adelaide and lecturer in theology at ACU, will complement a number of speakers to the diocese this year – all of them, from perhaps different perspectives – engaging us in conversation about living good news in our time.  James will speak at seminars across this diocese from 20 to 25 June.

A particular emphasis will be upon the interconnection between church and world, especially through the lens of the radical Vatican II document: The Church in the Modern World, whose introductory words so clearly locate us at the heart of, not apart from, human joy, suffering and struggle – exactly what our Pope is encouraging.

James will also offer a further perspective: the groundbreaking work of Charles Taylor, A Secular Age, quoted as the ‘defining book for our time’. It gives a framework to our present experience, considering how the place of religion has changed across the centuries and what these changes mean – offering both insight and hope.

In this series of seminars, then, James will provide the opportunity for us to bring our questions into the circle, ponder them through a wide lens, and engage in dialogue about how and where to best direct our energies as followers of Christ in our time.

Not to be missed! See program below or download PDF for an event near you.

Date Description Venue Time
Tuesday 20 June Seminar

Seminar (light meal provided)
Raymond Terrace, Old Parish Hall

Forster Parish Hall, Lake St
9.30am - 12.30pm

5.00pm - 8.00pm
Wednesday 21 June Luncheon Conversation

Cathedral lecture
City Region Pastoral Centre Farquhar St, The Junction

Sacred Heart Cathedral, Newcastle West
12.00pm - 2.00pm

Thursday 22 June Seminar Callinan Centre, Morisset Parish 2.00pm - 5.00pm
Friday 23 June Seminar (light meal provided) Holy Spirit Primary School, Kurri Kurri 5.30pm - 8.30pm
Sunday 25 June Mass, morning tea, seminar, shared lunch. Aberdeen Catholic Church 10.00am - 2.30pm

Please book by contacting Sharon Murphy E P 4979 1134.

A $5 donation towards costs is appreciated, with the exception of the Cathedral Lecture which is a free event.

These events are FEA (Faith Education Accreditation) applicable for CSO staff.

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