Dressing as 80-year-olds to celebrate 80 years of Our Lady of Lourdes

This story was originally published in the Newcastle Herald. 

Catholic Schools Office September 17, 2024
Dressing as 80-year-olds to celebrate 80 years of Our Lady of Lourdes Image

Crocheted vests, oversized glasses, walking sticks and strings of pearls were the attire for the little people of Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School on Friday.

The Tarro school celebrated its 80th anniversary alongside Grandparents Day on 13 September with its students getting into the senior spirit.

"The students dressed up as 80 year-olds to celebrate 80 years, which is beautiful to see," assistant principal Rebecca Cook said.

"There are lots of glasses, lots of cute little vests for grandpas and dresses and pearls for the girls. Every second person had a walking stick."

Our Lady of Lourdes was opened on 12 September 1944 and founded by the Sisters of Mercy.

Just 32 students were welcomed into the church building which was the temporary school for 14 years.

Ms Cook said the anniversary was about acknowledging all of the people who have gone before them.

"It's about celebrating their hard work to make this school and community what it is today," she said.

"We invited members of the parish and school community to celebrate on the day. We are very big on hospitality, making sure everyone feels welcomed at they enter our school grounds."

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