Holy Family Primary School, Merewether triumphs at 2023 FISAF

They say, “It takes a village to raise a child,” and when it comes to nurturing athletes, it unequivocally takes the dedication and support of an entire community. Three teams from Holy Family Primary School, Merewether recently made their way to the Gold Coast to compete in the National Sports Aerobics Championships (FISAF).

Catholic Schools Office November 22, 2023
Holy Family Primary School, Merewether triumphs at 2023 FISAF  Image

The early mornings at practice and countless beach sprints paid off, as all three teams performed outstandingly placing 1st, 3rd and 5th in Australia. On top of this, they also received the "Spirit and Sportsmanship" trophy.

Despite many of the students taking the stage for the very first time this year their efforts in tandem with the dedication of their coaches set the stage for a very successful year.

Nerves are high when the stakes are high, but the team was given strong advice from the coaches to help. Chloe in Year 3 was taught to “take ten deep breaths” to ease her nerves and Ivy, a Year 4 student was encouraged to “harness the butterflies”.

Ivy continued, “Getting up on stage was really exciting, we were all pumped, we had butterflies, but as soon as we were out there it was amazing.”

The girls couldn’t have done it without their dedicated community of supporters who were there every step of the way.

We couldn't be prouder of their hard work and sportsmanship and we’re eager to see what 2024 brings for these talented teams!

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