Presentations confirm foundations of success

Beneficiaries of Successful Foundations shared the power of the project recently.

Kim Moroney May 26, 2021
Presentations confirm foundations of success Image

On Wednesday 12 May, Kindergarten teachers and principals from Cohort 3 Successful Foundations Action Research schools gathered for a day of Findings, Reflections and Celebrations. They were joined by Kindergarten teachers and principals from established Cohort 1 and 2 Successful Foundations schools, who are new to the project this year.

Kim Moroney, Education Officer – Early Learning led and facilitated the day with support and valued contributions from Project Officers, Bridie Stanger and Taylor Stokes as well as from Dr Cathie Harrison.   

It was a collegial event, sharing, reflecting upon, and celebrating the powerful impact of Successful Foundations from the perspective of teacher, principal, parent, and child.

A highlight of the day was the professional and heartfelt presentations from Kindergarten teachers from each of the Cohort 3 schools including St John’s at Lambton, Holy Cross at Glendale, St Joseph’s at Denman, St Paul’s at Gateshead, St James’ at Muswellbrook, St Patrick’s at Swansea, St John Vianney at Morisset, St Columban’s at Mayfield, St Joseph’s at Charlestown, St Joseph’s at Merriwa, St Joseph’s at Kilaben Bay and Our Lady of Lourdes at Tarro.

The response from the day includes the following comments.

Congratulations on the wonderful professional learning day you provided to us. It truly was the best PD I have had in years! I came out enthused, excited, and proud that you are doing this in our Diocese. I support your efforts wholeheartedly and I will continue to be a voice for children in our Diocese. Thank you for your commitment and the practical support you provide to our teachers. Jennifer Edstein-Boyes, St James, Kotara South

The data confirmed the incredible impact that Successful Foundations has had on everyone who has embraced it in their schools. It was great to hear from principals about how much they value their Kindergarten teachers, and from teachers who have adopted this rich pedagogy, and infused it into their classrooms and teaching practice. The children blossomed during this time, and I am so grateful that I had this opportunity to witness a much deeper insight into their world as people, and learners. Thank you, Kim, Bridie, Taylor, and Cathie, for sharing your passion for Successful Foundations, it has made me a better teacher, more reflective, more excited about infusing play into the curriculum at every opportunity.  Lizabeth Walker, St Patrick’s, Swansea

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