Keeping the celebration alive

At Rosary Park, Branxton, the Celebration of Grandparent's, is typically marked on July 23, but this year the celebration looked a little different. 

Nikola Groves July 26, 2021
Keeping the celebration alive Image

The day is a celebration of family and community, with grandparents and elderly friends invited to the school for a liturgy and open classrooms.

Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, the staff and students at Rosary Park had to get creative with ways to celebrate the contribution of our grandparents in our lives.

The children were invited to write a message on a banner explaining why they love their grandparents. Some children expressed that they “loved their grandparents because they give them lollies” whilst others made the bold claim that their grandparents give “the best hugs in the world”.

This banner will be hung outside the school for a week, allowing families to visit, take a photo and enjoy the thoughtful comments the students have written.

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