Cleaning up with good deeds

“As stewards of God's creation, we are called to make the earth a beautiful garden for the human family.” – Pope Francis, 2015

Monique Grace March 09, 2020

The students of St Francis Xavier’s Primary School, Belmont joined Clean Up Australia Day to show how much they care for their own environment and the surrounding community.

All students helped to clean the school grounds, church carpark, local surrounding streets and along part of Fernleigh Track.

The school grounds and church carpark were reasonably clean, but some students were able to remove tree litter from around a drain to prevent blockage.

Students in Years 3 to 5 walked the streets surrounding the school and found lots of recyclables in the rubbish they picked up. Year 6 students located rubbish along Fernleigh Track along with three shopping trolleys.

Overall, the students found less rubbish this year than in previous years, which is a good sign, but two extra shopping trolleys were located dumped along the track.

Students recognise the importance of keeping our environment clean, so the wind doesn’t blow the rubbish into the lake or sea and harm the animals and environment.

The key message is, “if we all do our part, we can help keep the environment safe”. Thanks to all our enthusiastic students at SFX for making Clean Up Australia Day a great success.

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