KINDY STARTERS 2020: Kilaben Bay

Our new Kindergarten students for 2020 started today at St Joseph's Primary School, Kilaben Bay.

Charlene Reid February 01, 2020
KINDY STARTERS 2020: Kilaben Bay Image

The students are already very familiar with our school surroundings due to the orientation days we held in 2019. This provided the opportunity for the kinder students to get to know other students and teachers and become familiar with the classrooms and playground.

Our transition program commences with our 'Meet Your Buddy Day' where our new Kindergarten children attend school to meet their Year 6 buddy. The Year 6 buddy will write to their Kinder buddy beforehand in Term 3. We then have play-dates throughout Term 4 focusing on literacy and numeracy and on music. This is a great time not only for the students to get to know each other but also for the parents.

It was lovely to see that all children eased into the safe, supportive and familiar environment with no problems. 

Their Year 6 buddies were there for support and guidance and to reassure our parents that their children are in safe hands!

I would like to welcome our beautiful families to St Joseph's and thank you for your contributions throughout your child's transition to school.

To find out more about St Joseph's Primary School, Kilaben Bay or to enrol your child, click here.

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