Tough times call on community spirit

The community of St Mary’s Primary School, Scone knows all about doing it tough in the drought, but we also know there are other areas of the state doing it tougher than us.

Kim Wilson January 22, 2020
Tough times call on community spirit Image

Naturally we banded together recently to do our bit to help those in need.

In September we were graced with the presence of country music star Luke O’Shea who conducted song-writing lessons with all students. Stage 3 students wrote a touching song, Let it Rain, about the struggles of living in the drought.

After a delightful response often prompting a tear from those who heard it, we recorded the song with Luke and made copies of the CD for sale. All proceeds from the CD sales were donated to Rural Aid.

With the sale of CDs and an out-of-uniform day, almost $1000 was raised for those in need. It is just our little way of showing the rural community we care.

The students of St Mary’s also enjoyed a few other activities towards the end of last year that promoted our community and lifted spirits during these tough times.

We hosted a school colour run, a community race day in conjunction with Scone Race Club, participated in #BustTheDust rain dance, and also really enjoyed visits by singer Guy Sebastian and former Australian cricket captain Steve Waugh.

The promotion of positive education and letting others know that we are here for them is vitally important to us at St Mary’s.

We are also sending many prayers to those people who have recently been affected by the fires and hope desperately that this drought is coming to an end very soon.

To find out more about St Mary's Scone, click here.

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