The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that collaborates with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions, such as the forced removal of children from their families. Their work helps people to create a positive future.
With funding from the foundation, San Clemente held a reconciliation event, where students heard from special guest speaker, Aunty Louise Campbell, Education Officer for Aboriginal Education at the Catholic Schools Office.
Louise shared some of her history with the students, including her experiences of being removed from her family as a young child.
Louise presented a strong message that education is integral to improving the lives of those affected directly and indirectly by practices such as the forced removal of children from their families.
The event also included dance performances by Emily Punu and her dance troupe, Mixed Mob.
A group of San Clemente’s Aboriginal students who had been learning dance with Emily throughout the term joined them in a debut performance.
Parents were also invited to attend the event and a delicious morning tea was served afterwards.