2018 Diocesan Sporting Achievements

The talent in our primary schools was highly evident this year with over 100 students being selected in a NSW Polding team. Almost every pathway sport had a Maitland-Newcastle representative in a Polding team.

Bernadette Duggan January 22, 2019
2018 Diocesan Sporting Achievements Image

These students were successful in representing their school, region, the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle and then the NSW Catholic Polding team.  Each of these talented students were presented with a medal for representing NSW Polding at a NSW PSSA (Primary School Sports Association) sporting event

Some of these students continued to excel in their chosen sport and were rewarded with a place in the NSW PSSA team to go to School Sport Australia. These exceptionally talented athletes are the best in NSW for their age group:

Over 100 talented secondary students from the Diocese were selected in a NSW Combined Catholic Colleges team this year; they represented NSWCCC with pride and ability.

Further representative honours were achieved with five students named on the 2018 NSW All Schools Honour Roll. They were Alex Clinton and Rosanna Jennings (St Francis Xavier’s College, Hamilton) for basketball, Liam Dixon (All Saints College, Maitland) for cross country, Harry Wade (St Clare’s, Taree) for hockey and Emma Preece (San Clemente, Mayfield) for water polo.

Rugby league has always been a strength in our region and this year the Diocese was proud to have three incredibly talented boys named on the Australian Representative 2018 Honour Roll. They were Jock Madden and Timana Alexander from All Saints College, Maitland and Jonah Pezet from St Mary’s, Gateshead.

Six students from the Diocese have been named to receive a prestigious NSW Blue Award. These awards celebrate and recognise the best sporting achievements of Catholic Secondary students throughout NSW.

Alexander Clinton from St Francis Xavier’s received hers for basketball, Leroy Reid from St Mary’s, Gateshead received his for athletics, Jock Madden from All Saints College received his for rugby league and Connor Edwards also from All Saints College received his for touch football. Dakota Thomas from St Paul’s, Booragul and Corey Lamb from St Joseph’s, Lochinvar both received a Bar award, which bar is awarded when the student has previously been awarded a Blue and has continued to excel in their sport. Dakota received hers for netball and Corey received his for golf and both will attend a ceremony at Wollongong at the start of the 2019 school year.

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