Student leaders paving the way for the future of Lochinvar

St Joseph’s College, Lochinvar has commissioned the leaders of tomorrow – by introducing the new leadership structure in a liturgy held on Friday 9 February.

Emily Wilson February 14, 2018
Student leaders paving the way for the future of Lochinvar Image

The school welcomed its new leaders for 2018 - Isabella Crebert, Noah Hurn, Abbey Matt and Mary Wright.

This year also marks the first Stage 6 students to be educated by the school in more than 25 years.

Excited to be a part this milestone, two of the leaders - Mary Wright and Noah Hurn - said they fully understand the responsibility that comes with such a title.  

“What excites me most about leading the school this year is the opportunity to challenge myself by expanding my skills and seeing what I am capable of whilst negotiating and communicating with staff and fellow students,” said Mary.

Noah said: “I am honored and proud to be elected by my peers as an inaugural leader. I  am planning to take on my new responsibilities with a high level of integrity.”

The student leaders were joined by house leaders, namely Jade Eagleton and Logan Heald of Alcheringa house, Emily Duff and Mikayla Thomas of Wundurra house, Molly Bennett and Josephine Callinan of Yoyogamalde house and Liam Hastie and Bethany Jordan of Mereki house.

Assistant Principals, David Crawford and Nicholas Wickham, shared in the excitement, saying that the collaboration between students and staff to cultivate effective leadership within the school will be an integral part of the transformational growth of St Joseph’s.

“The new student leaders will lead a new-look leadership structure that aims to promote shared student leadership and support as we move to Stage 6,” said Mr Crawford.

“As the first Stage 6 students to continue at Lochinvar since the early 1990s, they will be the face of the transformation of St Joseph’s identity from being a junior campus of All Saints College to a comprehensive stand-alone school catering for students from Years 7 to 12.”

“In the first weeks of 2018, the new leaders have already shown a strong commitment to help shape the culture of the school,” stated Mr Wickham.

“This has been reflected in their willingness to embrace St Joseph’s new identity which can be seen on the new uniform.”

The expansion of St Joseph’s will enable it to help meet the demand for education that will is being driven by the growth in population in the Lochinvar area.

“The school’s expansion this year is in response to the growth in demand for faith-based education, for innovative learning facilities and for providers of quality education.”  said Mr Crawford.

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