St John’s Primary School, Lambton - which recently welcomed 21 kindergarten students - has adopted a 'super heroes' theme to help students realise their full potential.

Emily Wilson February 11, 2018

Kindergarten teachers, Florence Suba and Linda Dunn said, “This theme will help the students learn the importance not only of owning their unique abilities but also aiming at becoming the best person they can be.

“They can do this by showing everyone their true self, whether that is being kind to others or doing their best at their favourite sport or pastime. The main thing is that each student has his or her own unique talents.”

Each week a student is chosen as the 'Superhero of the Week' - and he or she has the opportunity to share details of their unique talents and their story with their peers.

One of the novelties for the 'Superhero of the Week' is being the ‘line leader’ and the students take this responsibility very seriously.

“I have had parents call me to ask if their children can attend school even if they are sick because the students are so disappointed they will miss their turn at being 'Superhero of the Week',” said Principal Annie Duggan.

A vital part of transitioning to ‘big school’ is the formation of transition groups in the year prior to commencing Kindergarten.

At an orientation day last year, the students met their buddies and were involved in preschool activities for an hour each week over a period of time. This ensured the transition into Kindergarten would be a smooth and positive experience for both the students and their parents.

“This transition group is a great way for parents to meet each other, further strengthening the ties within both the school and our wider community. We want to make sure the gates aren’t scary when the students and parents arrive,” said Mrs Suba.