The future of work, and what it means for our children – the leaders of tomorrow

School is as much about preparing our children for the real world, as it is preparing them for a career that is both long and prosperous. 

Emily Wilson January 17, 2018
The future of work, and what it means for our children – the leaders of tomorrow Image

As parents, when comparing schools, we want to know that the education provided supports where the job market is going because we live to see our children do their best work and be provided with every opportunity to succeed.  With technology advancements across all industries, our schools are rising to the challenge and equipping our students - the next generation of employees and employers - with the skills they need to navigate and succeed in the ever-changing, competitive, modern workforce.

Jobs, technology and the future of work

In a recent study of jobs and employment in Australia over the coming 20 years, the CSIRO’s study Tomorrow’s Digitally Enabled Workforce identified a number emerging megatrends that are changing the way we live and work. The study identified that the rise of robotic devices like automated systems and artificial intelligence are the future and are expected to become a reality quicker than many realise, impacting employment trends worldwide.  

The Director of Newcastle-based Forsythes Recruitment, Geoff Crews, says that while this will make the market more competitive, it is unlikely that robot’s will take over jobs. Instead, he predicts that jobs, as they have in the past, will be redesigned for the modern workplace. One example from previous years is the banking industry. The introduction of the ATM machine was predicted to drastically reduce employment in the banking industry. Instead, it took away routine tasks from tellers and allowed them the opportunity to better serve their customers by focusing on customer service and sales - tasks which the machines can’t provide.


How can we ensure our children remain competitive?

Social Media Manager, UX Designer, Influencer, Cloud Computing Specialist, Uber Driver and Big Data Analyst.

What do these jobs have in common?

They didn’t exist ten years ago.

Keeping abreast of the changing employment landscape is an important task for both parents and those in the education system to ensure we are shaping young adults to both live to their full potential and fill holes in the job market in the future.

Leading job search site, Monster has identified seven work skills that will make job candidates stand out to employers in 2018. They include problem solving, data analytics, social media literacy, creativity, resilience, good business sense and a willingness to learn.

While a willingness to learn isn’t necessarily a skill, it is considered an attractive attribute by many employers because it’s indicative of the candidate's drive and enthusiasm for their work, which generally indicates dedication and performance.

It’s clear there are many opportunities on the horizon for our children, the leaders of tomorrow and working with technology, we can find ways to improve our lives and better serve our community.

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