Year 6 farewell at St Francis Xavier's Belmont

Year 6 students from St Francis Xavier's Primary School, Belmont, were farewelled in a beautiful ceremony held at St Francis Xavier’s Parish Church on Friday 8 December.

Louise Outram December 11, 2017
Year 6 farewell at St Francis Xavier's Belmont Image

Father Gerard presided over the Mass and led the school community in their final formal prayer together for the 2017 school year.

After the Mass, families from Year 5 hosted a special morning tea for the Year 6 students and their families. Meanwhile, the remaining students from SFX joined Year 6 in the hall for the formal proceedings which included general presentations to Year 6, academic and leadership awards and a wonderful video in which Year 6 reflected upon their time at SFX and their hopes for the future.

End of year celebrations for Year 6 also included a formal dinner which they shared with their families and fun games night.

The final farewell to Year 6 for 2017 took place on Friday 15 December where the students made their way around the 'circle of farewell', saying their goodbyes for the last time. 

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