St Francis Xavier’s annual talent quest

On Monday 12 December, St Francis Xavier’s Primary School, Belmont, held its 30th annual talent quest for family and friends of the school community.

Gabrielle Sutherland December 15, 2017
St Francis Xavier’s annual talent quest Image

Over 25 acts were performed by students from Kindergarten to Year 6 who were competing for the grand prize of lunch at McDonald’s with the principal. The audience were entertained by scientists, gymnasts, singers, dancers, magic acts and even a card trick or two.

The winners of the quest included a classical ballerina, a hip-hop star and a budding scientist who can recite the periodic table.

“It was a wonderful event to celebrate the last week of school for the year and also an opportunity to showcase the talents of our students,” said Principal, Louise Outram.

To find out more about SFX, visit their website.

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