It’s never too early to start shaping the leaders of tomorrow

Official student leadership opportunities are generally first available to school students around age 11. However, at Holy Spirit Infants School, Abermain, students are awarded the opportunity to lead at a much younger age.

Alyssa Faith December 22, 2017
It’s never too early to start shaping the leaders of tomorrow Image

An opportunity unique in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle to Holy Spirit Infants students, Year two students are afforded the opportunity to become school leaders; a valuable stepping stone in promoting the importance of responsibility and fostering maturity.

School principal, Charlene Reid is very proud of her students and the way in which they embrace the leadership opportunity at just eight-years-old.

“Our students are fortunate to have so many opportunities to become involved in leadership roles,” says Ms Reid.

“At other schools, children have to wait until they are in Years 5 or 6 for such opportunities. The students are wonderful role models to their buddies and the remainder of the schools. The sense of pride these children have is a credit to themselves and their families.”

Student leaders will be running the weekly awards assemblies, representing the school at Diocesan events, will form part of the Mini Vinnies Team and meet regularly with Ms Reid to discuss school events and social justice issues.

On Thursday 14 December, the student leaders for 2018 were announced in front of students, parents and teachers following the end-of-year Holy Spirit Infants and Primary School combined Mass.

To be considered for a student leadership position, Year 1 students are invited to write a speech stating why they would make a good Year 2 leader. These speeches are then presented to the school and teachers and then voted on.

With a burst of applause from classmates and parents the following students alighted to the stage to receive their badges and in anticipation their new responsibilities from next year:

School Captains - Reagan Spliet and Brodee Sunerton

Vice Captains - Emerson Power and Xavier Cook

Councillor - Charlotte Jolliffe and Hayden Hughes

“Having six students instead of four makes for a more collaborative approach to leadership,” says Ms Reid

Congratulations to the students selected to be leaders in Year 2 and best of luck in 2018.