St Paul’s student selected in National Schools Constitutional Convention

On Monday 6 November, St Paul’s Catholic College, Booragul, Year 11 student Tully Maurer travelled to Sydney to take part in the National Schools Constitutional Convention.

Clay Burke November 23, 2017
St Paul’s student selected in National Schools Constitutional Convention Image

Ms Maurer described the convention as “a place for students to discuss legal matters; also to get young people interested in what’s happened in regards to politics and law; promoting young leaders.”

At this year’s convention, the panel discussed Section 44 of the constitution, which lists the grounds for disqualification on who may be a candidate for election to the Australian Parliament, something we can guess the students now know more about than many of our politicians.

From over 150 students from Government, Independent and Catholic schools across Australia who attended the convention, 30 were chosen including Tully to go to Canberra next year.

“This is a great reward for a student who is passionate about these topics. She was able to mix with others who have a similar interest and obviously impressed with her presentation,” said student coordinator, Mrs Anne-Maree Shipman.

Tully Maurer has been selected to participate in the National Schools Constitutional Convention in Canberra (NSCC) from 20 to 22 March in 2018.

Tully is looking forward to her next convention, as “it is a chance for everyone to get together and debate, socialise, share views, it should be quite entertaining,” she said.

Congratulations to Tully Maurer for her success at the National Schools Constitutional Convention and best of luck next year.

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