St Mary’s prepares for Year 11 2018

St Mary’s Catholic College, Gateshead, is a bustle of professional learning, building development and much excitement as the college community prepares for the initial intakes into the Preliminary HSC year in 2018.

Amanda Skehan September 28, 2017
St Mary’s prepares for Year 11 2018 Image

The recruitment of staff for senior classes is well underway and the new school uniform designs for this exciting new era have been finalised. “They look sharp and will make a wonderful statement to the wider community as they are emblematic of the great things happening within the college,” said CSO Assistant Director, Gerard Mowbray.

“There has been a great deal of work done on staff professional learning, resource acquisition, student leadership, rites of passage, transition processes into Year 11 inclusive of course offerings and subject selection, learning support, wellbeing framework, parent engagement and policy adaptations inclusive of seniors.

“There is the refurbishment of a range of facilities and the development of new Hospitality and Construction facilities at Gateshead in preparation for next year,” said Mr Mowbray.

The reality of Year 11 students next January has driven an intense focus on staff professional learning to ensure resources are in place and staff are fully prepared to deliver courses successfully.

“Students must be challenged in every classroom to understand difficult subject matter and to engage thoughtfully with it. They must be pushed to achieve more than they ever thought possible and then supported by us, their teachers, in every way we can as they strive to excel,” said Principal, Larry Keating.

“We want our students to excel in their senior studies and developing high performance relationships, with each of them, is a vital step in achieving this, as is the Student Mentoring Program.”

“The provision from 2018 of courses such as: Physics, Chemistry, Advanced English, Mathematics, Extension Courses in Mathematics and English, Software Design and Development and Information Processes and Technology for instance, and the priority given to retaining, attracting and professionally developing the best possible teachers are core objectives of the college.”

“These emphasise absolute commitment to nurturing a senior school ethos built around high expectations and a commitment to excellence. This is a moral imperative owed to our students and, as a staff, we are determined to honour it,” said, Mr Keating.

With construction well underway, the expected completion date for stage one of new classrooms is January 5 2018 and civil works including new roadways by March 6.

“To date all works are on time and, while tight, it is expected that the milestone dates will be met,” said Assistant Principal, Peter Antcliff.

“As we see the new structures grow and take shape, I have no doubt that everyone in the community will be very impressed with the design of our new facilities.”

The appointment of the Stage 6 transition committees has made sure the areas of curriculum, project implementation, uniform, wellbeing and facilities are well communicated with the school community.

To find out more about St Mary's, visit their website.

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