For the past nine years, Holy Spirit has prided itself on creating an amazing night of “showcasing” students’ talents. This year was no exception! The parish hall was the venue with over 250 adults in attendance over both a matinée and evening performance.
Seussical the Musical was amazing! Under the watchful eyes of choreographer and professional dance teacher, Zoe Hayward, the children truly shone!
Seussical the Musical was a veritable forum for professionally choreographed dances, upbeat singing and verses from their favourite author Dr Seuss.
The students were practising with Zoe every Tuesday throughout Term 3 and never once were bored.
During morning assembly when it was announced that it was “dancing day”, the teachers were met with a resounding Yessssssssssssss! All 110 students from the whole school were included and performed amazingly well!
The students were particularly excited about dressing up. Year 6 arrived as Cat in the Hats, Year 5 as Thing 1 and Thing 2, Year 4 as the Military “That’s what makes a child” and Year 3 in crazy clothing performing, “Having a Hunch.”
The family community was also very supportive in assisting with costume, hair and makeup preparation.
Every year the staff and students of Holy Spirit look forward to Term 3 and seeing the students express themselves creatively and form friendship bonds and memories that last a lifetime.
To find out more about Holy Spirit, visit our website.
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