Directed by talented musicians, Michael Nolan and Kieran Norman, the performance involved all students from each class engaging in drama, music, dance and song.
Characters from The Lion King and The Little Mermaid and students dancing to Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” in a contemporary dance routine had the audience members engaged with every move.
The production was choreographed by Heidi Mackenzie from Miss Heidi’s School of Dance as well as teachers, Gabrielle Carney and Sally Casey. The St Joseph’s school band also performed an entertaining number during the intermission.
“‘Dream Big’ is exactly what we aimed to do when the idea of giving our students at St Joseph’s the opportunity to perform and to shine. We wanted each and every child to have the chance to dance, sing, play and perform and to come together to share their enthusiasm, energy and joy with the people they love.
“Our school has been alive with the sounds of dancing feet, singing and the school playing filling the corridors, the classrooms and the playground,” said Assistant Principal, Diane Murphy.
“A special thanks goes to the inspiring and talented musicians, Michael and Kieran, who enabled us to present our musical extravaganza. Their efforts, expertise, passion and incredible skills make everything fun when working with our students.”
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