St Clare’s launches Positive Education Framework

Last month, St Clare’s High School, Taree, launched its Positive Education Framework, CLARE, focusing on growth and wellbeing in the school community.

Cecilia Harvey September 20, 2017
St Clare’s launches Positive Education Framework Image

The CLARE Positive Education Framework is a map that enables students and staff to enhance their wellbeing through the development of a positive attitude, positive emotions, positive relationships and a sense of purpose about self, school and life.

To effect change and impact on the individual, the CLARE framework will be embedded into all aspects of school life: spiritual, academic, pastoral and co-curriculum.

Many parents, staff, students and friends attended the celebration including special guests, CSO Assistant Director, Tony Kelly, Parish Priest from Holy Name Forster, Fr Greg Barker as well as Fr James Odoh from Our Lady of the Rosary, Taree, and the Josephite Sisters Marie Hughes, Katherine McCabe and Louise McDonell.

Year 8 Coordinator, Tim Master, gave a brief introduction about the Framework, explaining “positive education is education for both traditional skills and for happiness.

“As a Catholic school, our focus has always been on the development of the whole person modelled on the person of Jesus Christ… we aspire to achieve this fullness of living for each community member through the many dimensions of our Pastoral Care policy and associated programs.”

Over the past 18 to 24 months, staff and members of the SRC at St Clare’s have been reviewing the pastoral and educational practices of the school. This process of review led to the development of a Positive Education Framework, CLARE, for implementation at St Clare’s High School.

Assistant Principal, Phillip Gibney, presented the five key domains of the CLARE Framework: Connect, Learn, Aspire, Respect and Engage – explaining the meaning and purpose behind each one.

CONNECT – with your faith, with tradition, with community

LEARN - to be positive, to think creatively, to be reflective

ASPIRE - to be the best you can be, to be an authentic person, to have a sense of purpose

RESPECT - for others, for the environment, for diversification

ENGAGE - in your learning, in life’s conversations, in positive relationships.

The Clare image was designed by Year 9 student, Elise Rourke, and digital work was completed by Mr Howard. The image reflects St Clare, the school’s patron saint founder of the Order of Poor Ladies and Saint Mary MacKillop who founded the Josephite Sisters. It was these Sisters who founded St Clare’s High School in 1926.

The image depicts an indigenous dot painting representing both the traditional custodians of the land of Biripi and Worimi people and the naturally beautiful environment of the Manning and Great Lakes districts. The outer ring binds the key domains of the CLARE Framework, reminding all of the importance of focusing on our growth and wellbeing.

To conclude the celebrations, Fr Greg was invited to bless the CLARE document and framed poster in the hope of inspiring and challenging the whole school community achieve success.

To find out more about St Clare's, visit their website.

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