Beanie for Brain Cancer day at St Peter’s

On Friday 23 June, St Peter’s Primary School, Stockton, held a Beanie for Brain Cancer Day in support of the Mark Hughes Foundation.

Rosemary Jones June 23, 2017
Beanie for Brain Cancer day at St Peter’s Image

All students wore their favourite beanie to school for a gold coin donation.

The foundation began when Mark Hughes was diagnosed with brain cancer. It was his way of repaying those who had supported him and was an opportunity for him to help others who are in his position. 

Beanie for Brain Cancer Day is a major fundraiser for the foundation to not only raise funds to help find a cure for brain cancer but to also raise awareness about brain cancer and to support cancer patients and their families.  

It touches the hearts of many at St Peter’s knowing one of our families lost their nephew and cousin to brain cancer.

We are astounded to discover the appalling brain cancer statistics in this country and the inexplicable lack of funding for research.

Brain cancer kills more children than any other disease and kills more people under 40 in Australia than any other cancer – yet it receives less than 5% of government cancer research funding.

As a school, we are doing our part to contribute the foundation in the hope to change to lives of many.

Principal, Michael Punch said, “It is part of our calling as Catholics and as people to support charities such as the Mark Hughes Foundation which raises funds for continued research into the treatment of brain cancer.

“It’s a great opportunity for students to know they are part of a community effort to battle this disease which has touched the lives of many.

“Supporting this cause is also a tangible way in which students can do something real in response to their classroom learning and to play a part in our call to ‘heal the sick’.”

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