San Clemente get a special visitor

On Friday 9 June, Sister Mary Goretti Nakajubi visited the Student Representative Council at San Clemente High School, Mayfield.

Rosemary McAllister June 14, 2017
San Clemente get a special visitor  Image

Sister Mary is the Sister-in-Charge at the St Luke Health Centre in Bujuni, a small village three hours west of Uganda’s capital, Kampala.

St Luke's is the only hospital choice for many pregnant women in the area. With a program of antenatal and postnatal education (offered free of charge) and with the care of trained professionals, babies are being born healthier and with a chance at a full life.

Sister Mary spoke to the students about the lack of resources, which is currently the biggest challenge facing the centre, saying “Without vital equipment, such as an ultrasound and an ambulance, many women are being referred to larger hospitals, where they must pay fees they cannot afford.

“Sometimes, the journey is too difficult and some woman and babies do not survive.”

The San Clemente community have been long-time supporters of ‘socking it to social justice’ during Catholic Missions month in Socktober/October.

The students appreciated meeting Sister Mary first hand and knowing where the funds raised this year will go.

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