St John the Baptist hold their annual Year 6 Retreat Day

On Friday 5 May, Year 6 students from St John the Baptist Primary School, Maitland, gathered together for their annual retreat day.  

Chris Sheridan May 12, 2017
St John the Baptist hold their annual Year 6 Retreat Day Image

The aim of the retreat was to offer students time away from the regular class program to consider what they collectively, and as individuals, do in response to God’s call. 

All students were engaged in discussions about various topics related to ‘mission’, had time to ask questions, share their insights, pray together, pray quietly and had time to reflect upon what they do and the choices they have to make in life. 

The day was interspersed with fun and games where they shared a special morning tea and BBQ lunch together.

It was a relaxing and significant day for the children and I am sure the students will look back on it with a sense of achievement.

Working with me to present the day was Sam Hill, our Diocesan Family Community Faith Coordinator. Sam has several years’ experience working with youth in the Chisholm region and works with 20 schools across the diocese.

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