ACU MyScience Project engages students

This year, three schools in the Lakes Region − St Francis Xavier’s Primary School, Belmont, St Joseph’s Primary School, Charlestown and St Mary’s High School, Gateshead − are taking part in the science program, MyScience.

Carmel Tapley April 04, 2016
ACU MyScience Project engages students  Image

Delivered in conjunction with Australian Catholic University, the MyScience program builds student capacity, uses inquiry learning, involves mentors and develops communities of science practice.

Throughout Term 1, as part of the MyScience program, Year 10 students from St Mary’s were trained to work as mentors with small groups of students in Year 6 at St Joseph’s in Term 1 and in Term 2 at St Francis Xavier’s.

The Year 6 students chose a science topic they wished to investigate, and the Year 10 students acted as advisors or mentors to the students, ensuring the validity of each project. This mentoring also ensured the variables and aims were achievable and helped with the structure of the investigation and the sourcing of equipment.

The students met together three times over a six-week period, culminating in the Year 6 students presenting their results at a  Science Fair on Wednesday, 30 March, at St Joseph’s. The conversations that have occurred between the students have benefited all and have increased the use of scientific language and understanding.

Read more about the MyScience program at

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