Deaf Pride Mass

The annual Deaf Pride Mass, an initiative of St Dominic’s Centre, Mayfield, was held on Saturday 29 October, at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hamilton, to mark National Week of Deaf People.

Anonymous November 03, 2016
Deaf Pride Mass Image

Bishop Bill Wright presided and Fr Andrew Doohan, Dean of the Cathedral, concelebrated.

“The Deaf Pride Mass is always wonderful, full of life and energy and music that makes you sing.  It is an amazing collaborative effort,” said, Sr Louise Gannon rsj.  The choir from St Joseph’s Primary School, Merewether, conducted by Michael Nolan, led the singing and the Signing Choir from St Dominic’s signed all hymns.

Daphne Peterson from Morisset Parish bought the Mass alive, signing readings, hymns and the homily with great reverence, engaging the deaf community in all aspects of the Mass.

A highlight this year was that the second reading was signed by St Dominic’s Teacher’s Aide, Anne Sheppard.  Catherine Mahony, a blind woman, sang the psalm.  The poignancy of this participation had a big impact on all present.

This year an effort was made to broaden the invitation beyond the St Dominic’s community to the wider deaf community, their families and friends. 

As National Week of Deaf People (NWDP) is an opportunity for deaf people to celebrate their community, language, culture and history, and to make the public aware of their deaf communities, the Mass stood out as a wonderful collaboration of Auslan and music.

The deaf community is a strong and proud community.  Bishop Bill is keen for this community to know that the Sacred Heart Cathedral provides a space to celebrate their life, nurture creativity and encourage partnership amongst the community.

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