Diocesan schools raise over $45,000 for Project Compassion

This year, schools across the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle raised $45,153.98 for the annual Caritas Lenten appeal, Project Compassion. This is a 30% increase on 2015.

Alyssa Faith July 22, 2016
Diocesan schools raise over $45,000 for Project Compassion Image

Launched on 9 February and running until 30 June, the appeal that raised over $11 million Australia wide, brought thousands together in solidarity with the world’s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.

Assistant Director, Catholic Schools Office, Gerard Mowbray, commended the schools on their involvement and achievement.

"The magnificent contribution to Project Compassion by our students and teachers underpins their deep commitment to a just world and we are so proud of their response."

At December's Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Adelaide, Bishop Greg O'Kelly SJ AM DD of the Diocese of Port Pirie applauded the Maitland-Newcastle youth for being the "most active group of young people in Australia" to be involved in Caritas Australia.

The theme for this year’s Project Compassion, “Learning more, creating change”, celebrated the power of learning, and the many ways in which Caritas Australia is working with local partners around the world to provide vital learning and renewed hope to those most marginalised.

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