A young woman’s call to Religious Life

The first time God inspired me with the sense of a calling to Religious Life, I was about 16 years old and living in Taree.

Monique Singh October 05, 2018
A young woman’s call to Religious Life Image

I had been reading a small book and through it God spoke – though I could not picture how that would become a reality. Rather, I had set my eyes on a career in dance, and pursued this dream for quite a few years.

I noticed the voice of God leading me, sometimes in extraordinary ways, and I learned to trust that voice in the joys and difficulties that life presented. I am grateful that the gift of faith had been nurtured in my early years and that God allowed me to see his presence more and more in the everyday.

Moving to Brisbane to further my dance studies, I met the Canossian Sisters.

Over some years I found again there was an attraction; again God was speaking to me.

There was something about their way of being with people, the simplicity and joy shining through their lives, that was inspiring. God spoke again in this liminal time … all aspects of life were gradually coming together, united in the faith dimension.

I surrendered the desire to control and allowed the Spirit to gently guide me to new possibilities and opportunities for growth that were beyond all of my imaginings. Through the assistance of Spiritual Direction I discerned what came to me as a clear call to Religious Life, manifesting through prayer, retreats, volunteering and experiences in daily life. After a time of ‘Come and See’ I applied and was accepted into the formation program with the Canossian Sisters.

I made my First Profession in Brisbane (2014). The ministry I am serving in is education. Having completed studies in 2017, I am currently teaching Visual Art and Design to secondary students (year 8-12). There is a great diversity in the ministries of the sisters though all seek to ‘make Jesus known and loved’, as our Foundress St Magdalene of Canossa envisaged. Having just made my fourth renewal of vows, I continue to be humbled and amazed by the gift of the grace of vocation, and look forward to what God has in store in the next phase of this incredible journey.


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