Aurora survey reveals all

The survey of our Aurora readers provided some fascinating insights – and your feedback will help us in our efforts to make Aurora as appealing, accessible and sustainable as possible.

John Kingsley-Jones February 07, 2018
Aurora survey reveals all Image

It was great to see that 77% of our readers attend church on a weekly basis.

The other 23% indicated they attend church only on special occasions such as Christmas and Easter.

It was also very encouraging that 56% of our readers were very likely to recommend Aurora to a friend while another 28% were likely.

It was also good to find out that Bishop Bill’s My Word column is popular with both our print readers and those who read Aurora online.

There was a wide range of recommendations including readers wanting more content about news related to the Catholic community including suggestions that we feature parishes.

Those of you who are regular visitors to will have seen that we have taken on board this suggestion by posting photographs and information about The Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of Peach Church in Scone and St Isadore’s Catholic Church in Nabiac.

Another suggestion was for more stories to help people better connect with the Catholic faith.

Again, we have taken this on board by posting international news about Pope.

Recent items have included:

Other international news we have posted includes a story about:

We at Aurora would like to thank all of you who responded.

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