The Really Good News for Christmas

Bible Society Australia has brought a fresh retelling of the Christmas story, especially designed for children aged between five and seven, called The Really Good News of Christmas - for Me!

Brooke Robinson December 01, 2018

It tells the story of Christmas, using fun contemporary language, in the context of God’s love.

Then Mary set off travelling, with Joseph right beside,
They walked and talked for miles and miles, till Bethlehem arrived.
With a baby inside Mary, who was going to be King,
When they finally arrived, there was no room at the inn!

Bible Society CEO, Dr Greg Clarke, says the little book reminds children that Christmas is more than just being about Santa Claus and presents.

“Many children don’t know about Jesus anymore. Their kindergarten might do a Christmas play, but it is more likely to be secular. Christmas hymns are more often than not replaced by songs such as Jingle Bells in shopping centres.

“That is why we want as many children as possible to read this little book. It opens a bigger story. A story that is beyond themselves and the world they see every day. It is a really good news story,” Dr Clarke said.    

Bible Society is offering individuals the opportunity to order three of these little books for free.

To find out more visit

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