I Call You Friends – Friendship with Jesus in Daily Life: Book Review

 I Call You Friends is a collection of reflections on prayer, gathered over a lifetime of thinking and praying. Patrick O’Sullivan sj is clearly a man who has lived what he is writing about - and who has so much wisdom and encouragement for Catholics. 

Brooke Robinson April 06, 2019

 Fr Pat says, “If Jesus is at the centre of my life, so that the basic context for any experience is my relationship with him, then the whole quality of my life changes. My life becomes a partnership with Jesus”.

This book was very easy to read. It has short chapters, so that it can be picked up, read, then immediately followed by prayer. Each chapter leads into an opportunity to reflect, pray and grow in relationship with Jesus. 

I was struck by the clear, deep friendship that Fr Patrick has with Jesus, as shown in the language, stories and encouragement to readers.

Many of the chapters spoke to me and allowed my relationship with Jesus to be deepened, as I took opportunities to reflect on what I had read, and how it relates to me.

One chapter looks at the early church compared to today’s church. Fr Pat found it comforting to realise just how fragile were the people on whom Jesus chose to build his church; it is very much the same today.

According to Fr Pat, Jesus loves us to pieces, and has chosen us to help bring about his Father’s Reign in the world, and that will never change because he loves us unconditionally.

In a chapter on discernment, Fr Pat says, “For discernment, we need to be in touch with our heart and to learn to be still. If our heart is busy, we won’t pick up on what is going on. Just as water has to be still to give a true reflection, so there will be no true reflection of reality if we are in turmoil.”

I highly recommend this book as a companion for prayer. It is easy to read, full of wisdom and will help readers to grow in faith and deepen their relationship with Jesus. 

I Call You Friends – Friendship With Jesus in Daily Life is published by David Lovell Publishing, Melbourne Australia, 2018.

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